Tuesday 9 February 2010

Oi Vey! The Things they say!

In response to Richard:

When I was an undergrad, I was told that I was 'ignorant at a high-level of consciousness'.

Beat that.

Sir, I accept your challenge! Ready?

The following have all been said to me at some time or other by various professionals in the education world:

"You are by far the most unsettling creature I have ever come across"

"Don't worry about what to do for a career, when you're 21 we'll all come and work for you"

"I can't quite decide if you are simply the most gifted person I've ever met or just the best looking stupid one"

"Frankly Raj, you are an enigma. You put me in mind of a theoretical patchwork doll"

"The most impressive thing about you is your dress sense"

"That is the best first piece of writing I've ever seen from a new first year student. What on Earth possessed you to come here?"

"Your problem is not your ability which nevertheless seems to somehow present a problem for me"

"Raj, mark my words, your naive idealism will be your undoing. This Internet business you keep wasting your time on, artists using computers for God's sake. Wake up and smell the coffee"

and my personal favourite:

"Raj, if we ever finally meet God and find out that after all this time he's just a child, he'd be just like you"

Beat that!

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